This is the inverse of the link-building strategy we’have been discussing where you actually push content to other websites or blogs. Using this strategy, you are creating valuable content and subscribing to that old adage, “If you build it, they will come.”
It might sound "cliché", but thanks to social media and the web, you can attract users to your website (and links) by having something of value to offer. If you provide something of value, other websites will start linking to you, giving one-way links that can dramatically improve your search engine results. Personally, I like to create article collections that provide a wealth of information to website browsers seeking information.
For example, I’have developed a posting of blogger-related articles that I have written during my blogging career, placing them in a special free articles section of my website. There are a number of other websites linking to this resource, I make sure to add new articles on a regular basis to keep the content fresh. Doing so encourages other sites to create links to the content from their own websites. Another suggestion is the production of a small promotional E-book.
If you’have ever downloaded a book electronically from the World Wide Web, you already have experience with E-books. When users know they can get something, even a small promotional E-book for free, they tell others. This creates a “viral” effect that is great for attracting one-way links. If you can create an E-book of your own, regardless of its length, develop it in Word and save it as a PDF.
As a last step, post it on your website and make available after browsers provide their name and email address. If you need help with your E-book or would like to leverage the work others have done, search for PLR-related materials. PLR stands for private label rights, and you can often “buy” the rights to completed E-book , how-to manuals, and the like, for little or no money. The next step is to offer these PLR E-book on your website.
Before long, others will be linking to you because you’re providing something of value. Just make sure they are linking in the right way. On your web page, encourage people to link to your E-book and provide them with the proper link text (e.g., If you’d like to link to us, please use the following:
Use the Search Engine Optimization Made Simple techniques to build quality links to your website and watch your search engine rankings soar! All of these off-page optimization techniques, when applied consistently over time, significantly improve Google SERPs and results on other major search engines. After implementing the various off-page optimization methods we’have covered in link building process, select those you are most comfortable with and apply on a regular basis. and maybe later you want check is your seo strategy working or not and with this scan seo tools is very easy to do .