Infinity - Coming Soon Professional free blogger templates Style

infinity blogger template


Infinity is a multi-purpose coming soon and under construction responsive blogger template for any business company that is looking to launch their website. This template provides a nice countdown to your product launch helping you to gain pre-orders before launching it for public users. Some people use it to gain a number of email subscribers, while others use it to create a buzz on the internet by showcasing a mini product teaser with coming soon sign. Therefore, we have designed this template exactly like your needs.


smartnews responsive blogger template

smartnews blogger template

smartnews responsive blogger template is a beautiful modern blogger template.
it's clean and fresh style responsive blogger design and high user friendly blogger template.
This theme perfect for news, magazine and personal websites


smartnews blogger template

smartnews Responsive Magazine Blogger Template Features :

* 100% Responsive Design
* CSS3 + HTML Dropdown Menu
* Responsive Ad Widget (Google Adsense Support)
* Responsive Mega Menu
* Optimize SEO
* Auto detect flickr and other Images open for Lightbox
* YouTube Video Support (Any post style)
*faceook like box with shortcode
* Recent Post By Label
* slider recent post by label
* scrolling post
* Author Info Widget
* High Quality Image Optimize Without Crop
* Cool Related Posts Widget
* JqueryOverlay effect support with touch devices
* Well Documentation
* Threaded Comments

 download blogger template

fils attached :  

. smartnews reponsive blogger template (XML)  
. Theme Documentation (click index to see documentation)

enjoy !!!

float social gadget

gadget Module Social Facebook (Facebook Fans) or twitter fans floating on your blogger blogs :
the gadget just displays a small logo on Facebook or twitter right side of your blog, logo remains fixed in one place, the player move up or down the page.
When the mouse moves over the logo, it expands to display the Facebook social module or twitter social module, a sample of your blog fans on Facebook or twitter and the ability to love that page where to go by clicking on his name.

float social gadget

To view this Social Facebook Gadget Module floating on your blog, here are the steps to follow:

1. Log into Blogger and click "Model" for the blog where you will install the module floating Social Facebook and then "Edit".

2. Find the </ head> and paste the following code just before:

<script src = 'https: //' type = 'text / javascript' />

Save your model.

4. Paste the following code into your new Gadget HTML / Javascript:

<script type="text/javascript"> //<!-- 
$(document).ready(function() {$(".w2bslikebox").hover(function() {$(this).stop().animate ({right: "0"}, "medium");}, function() {$(this).stop().animate({right: "-250"}, "medium");}, 
500);}); //--> </script> 
<style type="text/css"> 
.w2bslikebox{background: url("") no-repeat scroll left center transparent !important;display: block;float: right;height: 270px;padding: 0 5px 0 46px;width: 245px;z-index: 99999;position:fixed;right:-250px;top:20%;} 
.w2bslikebox div{border:none;position:relative;display:block;} 
.w2bslikebox span{bottom: 10px;font: 9px "lucida grande",tahoma,verdana,arial,sans-serif;position: absolute;right: 6px;text-align: right;z-index: 99999;} 
.w2bslikebox span a{color: #FF9D00;text-decoration:none;} 
.w2bslikebox span a:hover{text-decoration:underline;} 
</style><div class="w2bslikebox" style=""><div>
<iframe src=";
width=245&amp;colorscheme=light&amp;show_faces=true&amp; connections=8&amp;stream=false&amp;header=false&amp;height=330" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" style="border: medium none; overflow: hidden; height: 330px; width: 245px;background:#fff;"></iframe><span><a href="">get this widget</a></span><span><a href="">Blogger</a></span></div></div>

Replace the red with the url of the page of your blog fans on Facebook and click "Save" and will see what happens on your blog.

After article showing how to add a Gadget Fans on Facebook floating on his blog Blogger, we'll see how to add a Gadget Twitter Followers floating on blogspot.
As the gadget previously seen, Twitter button will display on the side that you like (right or left)
Here's  the steps to get this Twitter Followers Gadget on blogger blogspot:

1.first Log into Blogger and click "Model" for the blog where you will install the module floating Social Facebook and then "Edit".

2. Find the </ head> and paste the following code just before:

<script src = 'https: //' type = 'text / javascript' />

Save your model.

Note that if you have already installed the Gadget Fans on Facebook float, you can skip this step.

3 Go to "Elements of the page", click on "Add a Gadget" on your sidebar and select "HTML / Javascript".

4 Paste the following code into your new Gadget HTML / Javascript:

<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {$(".twitterboxot").hover(function() {$(this).stop().animate({right: "0"}, "medium");}, function() 
{$(this).stop().animate({right: "-250"}, "medium");}, 500);}); 
//--> </script> 
<style type="text/css">
.twitterboxot{background: url("")
no-repeat scroll left center transparent !important;
display: block;
float: right;
height: 240px;
padding: 0 5px 0 46px;
width: 245px;
z-index: 99999;
right:-250px; top:20%;}</style>
<div class="twitterboxot"><div>
<script type="text/javascript"
<script type="text/javascript">fanbox_init("twitter-id");</script></div><div style="font-size:10px;">
<a href="" target="_blank">Get This Widget</a>

In the above gadget, change the "right" in red with "left" if you want the Gadget Twitter Followers Rather appears on the left or change the red by 20% to 60% if you want to keep it with the button Facebook right.

Do not forget to change "twitter-id" with your Twitter username.

5 Click "Save" and go see the results on your blog.

Now you too can have the Gadget Twitter Followers floating on your blog hosted by Blogger.
 it's great no ?


Give People a Reason to Link to Your Website

One of the best ways to attract one-way links to your website is to promote free content, such as news or articles, white papers, free tools, and so on, via your own website or blog.

This is the inverse of the link-building strategy we’have been discussing where you actually push content to other websites or blogs. Using this strategy, you are creating valuable content and subscribing to that old adage, “If you build it, they will come.”

It might sound "cliché", but thanks to social media and the web, you can attract users to your website (and links) by having something of value to offer. If you provide something of value, other websites will start linking to you, giving one-way links that can dramatically improve your search engine results. Personally, I like to create article collections that provide a wealth of information to website browsers seeking information.

seo link building
For example, I’have developed a posting of blogger-related articles that I have written during my blogging career, placing them in a special free articles section of my website. There are a number of other websites linking to this resource, I make sure to add new articles on a regular basis to keep the content fresh. Doing so encourages other sites to create links to the content from their own websites. Another suggestion is the production of a small promotional E-book.

If you’have ever downloaded a book electronically from the World Wide Web, you already have experience with E-books. When users know they can get something, even a small promotional E-book for free, they tell others. This creates a “viral” effect that is great for attracting one-way links. If you can create an E-book of your own, regardless of its length, develop it in Word and save it as a PDF.

 As a last step, post it on your website and make available after browsers provide their name and email address. If you need help with your E-book or would like to leverage the work others have done, search for PLR-related materials. PLR stands for private label rights, and you can often “buy” the rights to completed E-book , how-to manuals, and the like, for little or no money. The next step is to offer these PLR E-book on your website.

Before long, others will be linking to you because you’re providing something of value. Just make sure they are linking in the right way. On your web page, encourage people to link to your E-book and provide them with the proper link text (e.g., If you’d like to link to us, please use the following: Your keyword phrase). As I mentioned at the start of this blog post,off-page optimization is the most important factor for improving Google SERPs.

Use the Search Engine Optimization Made Simple techniques to build quality links to your website and watch your search engine rankings soar! All of these off-page optimization techniques, when applied consistently over time, significantly improve Google SERPs and results on other major search engines. After implementing the various off-page optimization methods we’have covered in link building process, select those you are most comfortable with and apply on a regular basis. and maybe later you want check is your seo strategy working or not and with this scan seo tools is very easy to do .

Meta Tags Every blogger blog Must have

meta tag for blogger blog

The most important function of metadata is not the ability to have your blogger blog rankings, but its ability to help your content to make the best first impression possible. The Big 3 social networks all allow bloggers the ability to provide metadata specific to the channel and therein lies the opportunity to provided titles, descriptions and pictures that resonate directly with audience in a given channel.

So this Metadata Really help both search engine to understand and display your content on way that attract more visitors to your site and more engagement.

title tag :

still the king on your on-page optimization and help on off-page optimization, the title tell Google what you blogger blog about and help you website rank for specific keyword that appear in your title and others places in your blog,but you have to put relevant title to your blog to both have high ranking and have high CTR .

this title must be one on your webpage and if it duplicate search engine will distrust your website and maybe penalize it. to add this tag in your blogger blog you have just add the code bellow in your head section.
<title> put here you blogger title </title>

Description tag : 

this not o boost your ranking but it for the users but still have an influence on your blogger blog ranking and the same as the title tag must have a unique description on your webpage .
to add the meta description to your blog you have to add the code bellow to your header section just above the title tag .
<meta name="description" content="put here your description" />
but for blogger id hard to give each post in blogger but with some condition tag and we will discuss this in later blog post

keyword tag  [^_^]

this tag is my favorite one because Google doesn't support this tag but Bing still but Google see the webpage with the keyword  tag as spammy and it really help your competitor to have a deep idea about your keyword and what you want to rank for so Google own more than 60% of searchers so you know what you have to do . and if you still want put it in your website, here is the code  :
<name="keyword" content="keyword-1,keyword-2, keyword-3"/>

Authorship Markup 

this markup is made by Google and in an article in search engine land has been verified by Eric Schmidt Google is going to rank well the blogger blog with high authority authors and reliable source and give you a nice look in SERP and have high CTR. but the tag work online on Google  .
and they are a variation of this tag and places to put it in :

rel - author : 
this code you put it in head section :
< link rel=”author” href=”[YOUR PERSONAL G+ PROFILE HERE]“/>

this code you put it in you post or body tag :
<a href=”[profile_url]?rel=author”>Google</a>

rel - me :
this is a  tag to link to your profile :
<a href=”[YOUR PERSONAL G+ PROFILE NUMBER]” rel=”me”>MyGoogle+</a>

rel - publisher :
this tag can be used with the tag rel - authors in same place and this used in website that have multi authors :
<link rel=”publisher” href=”[YOUR BUSINESS G+ PROFILE HERE]“/>

Social Meta Tags

most website or business have a social media page and they bring them a lot of new or returining visitors with sharing there content on it but what about if we give a good look for our content in social media site and have more engagement and i give you some metadate to give your sharing content a good looking and  grabbing people’s attention and getting them to click.

 Open-graph tags

Og:title  : This is the title of the piece of content. You should use this as a headline that will appeal to the Facebook audience. It is completely ok to use a different title than the one on the actual site as long as the message is ultimately the same. You have 95 characters to work with.Format:
<meta property=”og:title” content=”bloggersens blog”/>

og:type : This is the type of object your piece of content is. For your purposes it will usually be blog, website or  article, but if you want to get fancy Facebook provides a complete list.Format:
<meta property=”og:type” content=”article”/>

og:image : This is the image that Facebook will show in the screenshot of the content. Be sure to specify a square image to ensure the best visibility in a user’s timeline. If you don’t specify an image at all you are left to the mercy of the user to pick which image represents your content based on what Facebook can scrape. That is typically not the way to ensure the best first impression.Format:
<meta property=”og:image” content=””/>

og:url : This is simply the URL of the page (or edge). You should specify this especially if you have duplicate content issues to make sure the value of the edge in Facebook is consolidated into one URL.Format:
<meta property=”og:url” content=””/>

og:description  : This is the description Facebook will show in the screenshot of the piece of content. Just like the standard meta description it should be catchy and contain a call to action, but in this case you have nearly twice the number of characters to work with. Make sure this too speaks to the Facebook audience. You have to 297 characters to make it happen.Format:
<meta property=”og:description” content=”your content here”/>

fb:admins : This metatag is critical for getting access to the wealth of data made available via Facebook Insights. You simply have to specify the Facebook User IDs in the metadata of those users you want to have access. For more information on Facebook Insights see the documentation.Format:
<meta property=”fb:admins” content=”USER_ID”/>

Twitter Cards

twitter:card : This is the card type. Your options are summary, photo or player. Twitter will default to “summary” if it is not specified.Format:
<meta name=”twitter:card” content=”summary”>

twitter:url : This is the URL of the content.Format:
<meta name=”twitter:url” content=”your content here”>

twitter:title : This is the title of the content to be shared and should be limited to 70 characters after which Twitter will truncate. Again, go for headlines instead of keywords.Format:
<meta name=”twitter:title” content=”Parade of Fans for Houston’s Funeral”>

twitter:description : This is the description of the content to be shared and should be limited to 200 characters after which Twitter will truncate. Again, go for engaging text, you have more opportunity here than the actual tweet does.Format:
<meta name=”twitter:description” content=”content here”>

twitter:image  : This is the image that will be displayed on the Twitter Card and it should be a square image no smaller than 60×60 pixels.
<meta name=”twitter:image” content=”url image here”>

i hope you like this article and don't forget to share it and if you have any question feel free to ask thank you .

How To Show AdSense Ads in Mobile Version of Blogger Blogs

How To Show AdSense Ads in Mobile Version of Blogger Blogs

hello bloggers, in this article we will give you a tip can be ignored by most of us.

previously, we explained how to publish posts via mobile and email. but now we will explain

How To Show AdSense Ads in Mobile Version of Blogger Blogs.

Most of bloggers, insert ads code in blogger to show adsense ads in blogs due to getting the default blogger account getting disabled.

as  you now, Mobile generation is being spreading rapidly as people in high paying adsense countries like

USA, Canada and other countries are using Mobile and other small devices like laptop, Tablet, IPad to surf

the internet, In blogger.

so why not optimize our siteweb for these devices ???

This method is very simple by which we can show adsense ads in mobile version of blogger, so we

can increase in adsense earning.

let's begin :

adsense ads can be automatically appeared in mobile device version of blogger blogs by enabling

adsense from earnings adsense page.

let's do it :

1. first go to blogger ------> login -----> dashboard ------> earnings.   as shown below

earnings adsense

2. after that, tick mark "yes" on "show ads on blog"
3. in "display" option, choose any place where adsense ads will be showed
4. and finally click save setting

show ads on blog

that's all, it's very simple, now go to your blogs in your Mobile device, and you can see your

adsense ads
